Learn How to Count in Portuguese Numbers

Learn How to Count in Portuguese Numbers

Learn How to Count in Portuguese Numbers

Portuguese numbers are fundamental to mastering the language, similar to how numbers are crucial in English. In Portuguese, numbers follow a decimal system, just like in English, and use ten basic digits (0 through 9) to build all other numbers. However, Portuguese also incorporates unique rules for gender and plural forms that affect how numbers interact with nouns in sentences. For instance, the number “one” varies based on the gender of the noun: um (masculine) and uma (feminine).

Portuguese numerals are categorized into cardinal numbers (e.g., one, two, three) and ordinal numbers (e.g., first, second, third). This guide will focus on cardinal numbers, particularly how to count from 1 to 100. Understanding Portuguese numerals involves recognizing patterns in their formation and application, including how they agree with the gender and case of nouns.

Portuguese Numbers 1 – 10

Portuguese Number English Translation Pronunciation
um one oong
dois two doys
três three treys
quatro four kwah-tro
cinco five seen-ko
seis six says
sete seven set-ee
oito eight oy-to
nove nine noh-vee
dez ten dez

Portuguese Numbers 11 – 19

To form these numbers, combine the base numbers with the suffix “-ze” (e.g., eleven, twelve).

Portuguese Number English Translation Pronunciation
onze eleven ohn-zee
doze twelve doh-zee
treze thirteen treh-zee
quatorze fourteen kwah-TOR-zee
quinze fifteen keen-ze
dezesseis sixteen dez-eh-says
dezessete seventeen dez-eh-set-ee
dezoito eighteen dez-oy-to
dezenove nineteen dez-eh-noh-vee

Portuguese Numbers 20 – 30

To form numbers from 20 onwards, add the digits 1 through 9 to the base tens (20, 30, etc.). For example, 30 is formed by combining “trinta” (thirty) with the base number.

Portuguese Number English Translation Pronunciation
vinte twenty VEEN-te
vinte e um twenty-one VEEN-te e oong
vinte e dois twenty-two VEEN-te e doys
vinte e três twenty-three VEEN-te e treys
vinte e quatro twenty-four VEEN-te e kwah-tro
vinte e cinco twenty-five VEEN-te e seen-ko
vinte e seis twenty-six VEEN-te e says
vinte e sete twenty-seven VEEN-te e set-ee
vinte e oito twenty-eight VEEN-te e oy-to
vinte e nove twenty-nine VEEN-te e noh-vee
trinta thirty TREEn-ta

Portuguese Numbers 31 – 40

Portuguese Number English Translation Pronunciation
trinta e um thirty-one TREEn-ta e oong
trinta e dois thirty-two TREEn-ta e doys
trinta e três thirty-three TREEn-ta e treys
trinta e quatro thirty-four TREEn-ta e kwah-tro
trinta e cinco thirty-five TREEn-ta e seen-ko
trinta e seis thirty-six TREEn-ta e says
trinta e sete thirty-seven TREEn-ta e set-ee
trinta e oito thirty-eight TREEn-ta e oy-to
trinta e nove thirty-nine TREEn-ta e noh-vee
quarenta forty kwah-REN-ta

Portuguese Numbers 41 – 50

Portuguese Number English Translation Pronunciation
quarenta e um forty-one kwah-REN-ta e oong
quarenta e dois forty-two kwah-REN-ta e doys
quarenta e três forty-three kwah-REN-ta e treys
quarenta e quatro forty-four kwah-REN-ta e kwah-tro
quarenta e cinco forty-five kwah-REN-ta e seen-ko
quarenta e seis forty-six kwah-REN-ta e says
quarenta e sete forty-seven kwah-REN-ta e set-ee
quarenta e oito forty-eight kwah-REN-ta e oy-to
quarenta e nove forty-nine kwah-REN-ta e noh-vee
cinquenta fifty seen-KWEN-ta

Portuguese Numbers 51 – 60

Portuguese Number English Translation Pronunciation
cinquenta e um fifty-one seen-KWEN-ta e oong
cinquenta e dois fifty-two seen-KWEN-ta e doys
cinquenta e três fifty-three seen-KWEN-ta e treys
cinquenta e quatro fifty-four seen-KWEN-ta e kwah-tro
cinquenta e cinco fifty-five seen-KWEN-ta e seen-ko
cinquenta e seis fifty-six seen-KWEN-ta e says
cinquenta e sete fifty-seven seen-KWEN-ta e set-ee
cinquenta e oito fifty-eight seen-KWEN-ta e oy-to
cinquenta e nove fifty-nine seen-KWEN-ta e noh-vee
sessenta sixty ses-SEN-ta

Portuguese Numbers 61 – 70

Portuguese Number English Translation Pronunciation
sessenta e um sixty-one ses-SEN-ta e oong
sessenta e dois sixty-two ses-SEN-ta e doys
sessenta e três sixty-three ses-SEN-ta e treys
sessenta e quatro sixty-four ses-SEN-ta e kwah-tro
sessenta e cinco sixty-five ses-SEN-ta e seen-ko
sessenta e seis sixty-six ses-SEN-ta e says
sessenta e sete sixty-seven ses-SEN-ta e set-ee
sessenta e oito sixty-eight ses-SEN-ta e oy-to
sessenta e nove sixty-nine ses-SEN-ta e noh-vee
setenta seventy seh-TEN-ta

Portuguese Numbers 71 – 80

Portuguese Number English Translation Pronunciation
setenta e um seventy-one seh-TEN-ta e oong
setenta e dois seventy-two seh-TEN-ta e doys
setenta e três seventy-three seh-TEN-ta e treys
setenta e quatro seventy-four seh-TEN-ta e kwah-tro
setenta e cinco seventy-five seh-TEN-ta e seen-ko
setenta e seis seventy-six seh-TEN-ta e says
setenta e sete seventy-seven seh-TEN-ta e set-ee
setenta e oito seventy-eight seh-TEN-ta e oy-to
setenta e nove seventy-nine seh-TEN-ta e noh-vee
oitenta eighty oy-TEN-ta

Portuguese Numbers 81 – 90

Portuguese Number English Translation Pronunciation
oitenta e um eighty-one oy-TEN-ta e oong
oitenta e dois eighty-two oy-TEN-ta e doys
oitenta e três eighty-three oy-TEN-ta e treys
oitenta e quatro eighty-four oy-TEN-ta e kwah-tro
oitenta e cinco eighty-five oy-TEN-ta e seen-ko
oitenta e seis eighty-six oy-TEN-ta e says
oitenta e sete eighty-seven oy-TEN-ta e set-ee
oitenta e oito eighty-eight oy-TEN-ta e oy-to
oitenta e nove eighty-nine oy-TEN-ta e noh-vee
noventa ninety noh-VEN-ta

Portuguese Numbers 91 – 100

Portuguese Number English Translation Pronunciation
noventa e um ninety-one noh-VEN-ta e oong
noventa e dois ninety-two noh-VEN-ta e doys
noventa e três ninety-three noh-VEN-ta e treys
noventa e quatro ninety-four noh-VEN-ta e kwah-tro
noventa e cinco ninety-five noh-VEN-ta e seen-ko
noventa e seis ninety-six noh-VEN-ta e says
noventa e sete ninety-seven noh-VEN-ta e set-ee
noventa e oito ninety-eight noh-VEN-ta e oy-to
noventa e nove ninety-nine noh-VEN-ta e noh-vee
cem one hundred sem


Mastering Portuguese numbers is a valuable step in learning the language. With these basics, you can now handle everyday situations involving counting, telling time, and more. Practice regularly to get comfortable with these numerals, and soon you’ll find yourself effortlessly navigating the world of Portuguese numbers. For further assistance with Portuguese language learning or translation services, consider reaching out to Accurate Translate.

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