Music is often referred to as a universal language, and poetry isn’t far behind. Poetry, like music, evokes emotions and creates connections. Portuguese quotes, much like poetry, have a similar impact. They can reflect wisdom, emotions, and cultural values while offering a gateway to understanding the Portuguese-speaking world. Let’s explore some famous Portuguese quotes along with their English translations and pronunciation. These quotes cover a range of themes including love, success, and life lessons.
If you’re looking to add some Portuguese flavor to your daily life, Portuguese quotes are a great way to express emotions and ideas with elegance and flair. Whether you want something motivational, romantic, or just humorous, we’ve got you covered! Below, you’ll find 30 categories of Portuguese quotes, each with examples to brighten your day or spark your creativity.
1. Motivational Portuguese Quotes
These quotes will inspire you to keep moving forward, no matter the challenge.
- “Se você pode sonhar, pode realizar.”
(If you can dream it, you can do it.) - “A persistência é o caminho do êxito.”
(Persistence is the path to success.)
2. Love Quotes in Portuguese
Portuguese is often called the language of love. Here are some romantic quotes.
- “Eu te amo hoje, amanhã e sempre.”
(I love you today, tomorrow, and forever.) - “O amor é a poesia dos sentidos.”
(Love is the poetry of the senses.)
3. Inspirational Portuguese Quotes
Inspiration is everywhere, especially in these wise sayings.
- “Tudo vale a pena quando a alma não é pequena.”
(Everything is worth it when your soul is not small.) - “A vida é feita de escolhas, e cada escolha nos define.”
(Life is made of choices, and each choice defines us.)
4. Portuguese Quotes About Life
Life is a journey, and these quotes sum it up perfectly.
- “Viver é a coisa mais rara do mundo. A maioria das pessoas apenas existe.”
(Living is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist.) - “A vida é curta demais para ser pequena.”
(Life is too short to be small.)
5. Portuguese Proverbs (Provérbios)
Traditional proverbs convey wisdom that has passed through generations.
- “Água mole em pedra dura, tanto bate até que fura.”
(Soft water on hard stone, it hits until it breaks through.) - “Mais vale um pássaro na mão do que dois a voar.”
(A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.)
6. Portuguese Quotes About Friendship
Celebrate the beauty of friendship with these quotes.
- “Amigos são a família que escolhemos para nós mesmos.”
(Friends are the family we choose for ourselves.) - “Amizade é um amor que nunca morre.”
(Friendship is a love that never dies.)
7. Portuguese Quotes About Happiness
True happiness is priceless, as reflected in these sayings.
- “A felicidade não é um destino, é uma jornada.”
(Happiness is not a destination; it’s a journey.) - “Quem quer ser feliz, que o seja, pois não existe hora melhor que agora.”
(If you want to be happy, be it now; there’s no better time than the present.)
8. Funny Portuguese Quotes
Need a laugh? Here are some playful quotes to brighten your mood.
- “Estou em forma… redonda é uma forma.”
(I’m in shape… round is a shape.) - “Tenho um lado positivo e um lado negativo, como uma pilha.”
(I have a positive side and a negative side, like a battery.)
9. Portuguese Quotes About Strength
Tap into your inner strength with these powerful quotes.
- “A força não vem da capacidade física, mas de uma vontade inabalável.”
(Strength doesn’t come from physical ability, but from an unshakable will.) - “Quando tudo parece impossível, lembre-se que as maiores montanhas já foram pequenas pedras.”
(When everything seems impossible, remember that the greatest mountains were once small stones.)
10. Portuguese Quotes About Time
Time is a precious resource. Reflect on its importance with these quotes.
- “O tempo cura todas as feridas.”
(Time heals all wounds.) - “O tempo voa, mas as lembranças ficam.”
(Time flies, but memories stay.)
11. Portuguese Quotes About Family
Family is the cornerstone of life. These quotes honor that connection.
- “Família é onde a vida começa e o amor nunca acaba.”
(Family is where life begins, and love never ends.) - “Em família, os laços são para sempre.”
(In family, the bonds are forever.)
12. Portuguese Quotes About Success
What defines success? These quotes offer some insight.
- “O sucesso é a soma de pequenos esforços repetidos dia após dia.”
(Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day after day.) - “A única forma de alcançar o impossível é acreditar que é possível.”
(The only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it’s possible.)
13. Portuguese Quotes About Failure
Embrace failure as a stepping stone with these wise words.
- “Quem não arrisca, não petisca.”
(Those who don’t take risks, don’t snack.) - “Errar é humano, mas persistir no erro é burrice.”
(To err is human, but to persist in error is foolishness.)
14. Portuguese Quotes About Courage
Courage is at the heart of many great actions.
- “A coragem não é a ausência do medo, mas o triunfo sobre ele.”
(Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.) - “O medo é apenas um obstáculo, a coragem o destrói.”
(Fear is just an obstacle; courage destroys it.)
15. Portuguese Quotes About Hope
Never give up hope. These quotes will remind you to stay optimistic.
- “A esperança é o sonho do homem acordado.”
(Hope is the dream of a waking man.) - “Onde há vida, há esperança.”
(Where there’s life, there’s hope.)
16. Portuguese Quotes About Wisdom
Wisdom is earned through life experiences.
- “A sabedoria não vem com a idade, mas com a experiência.”
(Wisdom doesn’t come with age but with experience.) - “Quem aprende com os erros é sábio; quem repete, é tolo.”
(He who learns from mistakes is wise; he who repeats them is foolish.)
17. Portuguese Quotes About Change
Change is constant, and these quotes reflect that.
- “A única coisa permanente na vida é a mudança.”
(The only permanent thing in life is change.) - “Para mudar o mundo, primeiro mude a si mesmo.”
(To change the world, first change yourself.)
18. Portuguese Quotes About Dreams
Follow your dreams with these inspiring quotes.
- “Nunca desista dos seus sonhos.”
(Never give up on your dreams.) - “Sonhar é o primeiro passo para realizar.”
(Dreaming is the first step to making it happen.)
19. Portuguese Quotes About Nature
The beauty of nature is captured in these quotes.
- “A natureza é o melhor remédio para a alma.”
(Nature is the best medicine for the soul.) - “A terra é o nosso lar, e devemos cuidá-la.”
(The earth is our home, and we must take care of it.)
20. Portuguese Quotes About Kindness
- “A gentileza é o idioma que o surdo consegue ouvir e o cego consegue ver.”
(Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.)
Portuguese quotes are full of wisdom, love, and inspiration, reflecting the heart and soul of the language. Whether you’re drawn to expressions about life or profound thoughts on relationships, these quotes give a glimpse into Portuguese culture and philosophy. By learning Portuguese, you’ll not only enrich your travels to places like Lisbon or Rio de Janeiro but also connect more deeply with the people and traditions that make these destinations so special.